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Optimization of the wind-turbine siting


Autore: R. Pallabazer

Collana: AA - 1996 Capri - Energy and Environment towards the year 2000

The paper presents the results of a method of optimization of wind generator sitings.
The performances of the WECS are analized by means of two parameters, that is the site effectiveness and the cut-in speed, which shows to be decisive for the optimization of the siting.
850 potential sittings are examined considering 25 commercial WECS on34 sites of 4 different regional areas and the conditions of optimum are defined and classified, showing the difference of wind energy exploitability by the climatic areas. The utilization factor is then adopted for the final choice of the suitable WECS. It is shown that this systematic analysis allows to find the best siting, giving useful indications also in not very windy areas.

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