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Methanol as Transportation Fuel


Autore: S. Stucki

Collana: AA - 1996 Milano - La città del futuro

Methanol, a simple liquid alcohol which today is mainly produced from natural gas, has favourable properties as a transportation fuel. Methanol-gasoline mixtures of any composition are being used directly in specifically designed Flexibie Fuel Vehieles (FFV) in California. FFV's can be introduced in the market even if there is only a limited supply of methanol at service stations. The FFV's are considered to be a "bridge" to the long term applications of methano in fuel cells for "zero emission" cars. Methanol can also be produced from biomass and waste and has hence the potential to become the liquid fuel for a sustainabie future. A first step towards this future is the demonstration of methanoi production from renewabie resources. The feasibility of introducing renewabie methanoi in Switzerland has been shown.

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