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Data: 07-2009

Autore: Sandro Zero, Bertrand Castanet

Collana: BT - 45 - Lug 09 - 3F - Fossil Fuel Free Electric Power: Rinnovabile e Nucleare

After TMI and Chernobyl accidents, low price and new discoveries of oil and gas have frozen nuclear expansion in most countries for the last 20 years. This is no longer true. Confronted with energy scarcity, climate change threat and the emergence of new technologies, nuclear is back. The European industry and the current market leader, AREVA, have a major challenge ahead of them: they have set the standard in new generation reactors and must now deliver. The first EPRTM projects being built in Olkiluoto (Finland) and Flamanville (France) offer concrete opportunities to demonstrate their commitment to the Nuclear Renaissance. First of all, new talents must be recruited and trained before the retirement of those who built the industry. This means massive recruitments of skilled people all over the world and new partnerships with training institutions. The whole manufacturing and purchasing strategy has also been revisited to make sure it can meet new capacity and quality requirements. As a result, AREVA has decided to acquire its own forging capacities and to develop its integrated manufacturing capabilities of heavy components. The Global supply chain of its admiral ship, the EPRTM, will also be reinforced and Italian suppliers may play a significant role there. And last but not least, the existing reactors portfolio needs to be enlarged to address new countries or customers needs, in partnership with other vendors, utilities or research institutes.

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