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The ENEL’s CCS projects


Autore: P. Barbucci

Collana: BT - 43 - Lug 08 - Il controllo della CO2 negli impianti di produzione energia

This paper provides the main elements of this strategy with reference to the projects in
the area of CO2 capture and sequestration (CCS). The Enel’s CCS projects include a
large scale post-combustion capture demo plant to be built by 2012, to demonstrate
retrofit application of CCS on coal fired power plants, and a 320 MWe oxy-combustion
demo plant due to be completed by 2015, to demonstrate an efficient solution of zero
emission power generation from coal. Both demos will be preceded by the realization of
significant size pilot plants. Enel is also active in the area of pre-combustion technology
when a hydrogen fed pilot power plant is under construction.

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