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Dampers for DeNOx & DeSOx applications


Autore: J. A. Powell

Collana: BT - 31 - Ott 05 - Gli impianti DeSOx - DeNOx: la tecnologia al servizio dell'ambiente

Dampers for DeNOx and DeSOx plants play a vital roll in the successful operation of the systems that in which they are employed. From control of gases to regulate the temperature of the flue gas entering the DeNox system to isolation of the DeSOx Booster fan for online maintenance, dampers are the controlling devices.
Within these systems the types and design of the dampers used vary greatly based on temperature, pressures, particulate loading and space availability. The design conditions of dampers used in DeNOx systems differ greatly those present in DeSOx systems. DeNOx dampers need to operate in elevated temperatures (350°C-425°C), heavy particulate loads, and high negative pressure environments. DeSOx damper design varies from the dry to wet process. Dampers used in a wet process operate at lower temperatures (65°C-150°C) and are subjected to corrosive gas, and positive pressure environments. Dampers used in the dry process operate at higher temperatures (150°C-175°C), heavy particulate loading and negative pressure. All of these different but demanding applications require a discerning evaluation of the damper selection.

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