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Numerical simulation of gas-solid two phase-flow in curved duct


Autore: K.A. Ibrahim, M.A.El-Kadi, M.H. Hamed, S.M. El-Behery

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

Gas-solid two-phase flows are numerically simulated in a 90 bends. The numerical calculations is performed by Eulerian approach for gas-phase taking into account the mutual effects of the solids on the gas and Lagrangian approach for dispersed-phase.
Two particulate turbulence models have been studied to predict turbulent gas-solid flows in bends. The first one is based on the standard k-ε model, while the second model is RNG based k-ε model. Comparisons are made with present predictions and pervious published experimental data for the mean axial flow velocities of both phases and they show a good agreement. The present results help to understand the physical phenomena occurring in gas-solid two-phase flows in a 90° bends. In addition the results also show that the behaviour of gas-solid two-phase flows in bends is affected greatly by particle diameter, bend curvature ratio and mass loading ratio.

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