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Experimental analysis of mixed convection in vertical channels with a moving plate


Autore: A. Andreozzi, N. Bianco, G. Lacusa

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

Combined natural convection and forced convection due to moving surfaces gets a great attention for its importance in practical applications in various modern systems, such as Chemical Vapor Deposition and material processing system.
An experimental analysis of mixed convection in air in a vertical is presented in this paper. One of channel walls, also called belt, is unheated and moves at a constant velocity, whereas the other one is heated at a uniform heat flux. Two configurations have been investigated: Assisting, where the effect of the moving wall superposes to natural convection and Opposing, where the effect of the moving wall opposes natural convection. The effects of the heat flux, the magnitude and the direction of the velocity of the moving wall and the channel spacing on the heated wall temperature profiles are analyzed.

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