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The wet compression technology for gas turbine power plants: thermodynamic model


Autore: S. Bracco, A. Pierfederici, A. Trucco

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

This paper examines on thermodynamic point of view the effects of Wet Compression on Gas Turbine power plants, particularly analysing the influence of ambient conditions on the plant performance.
The results of the mathematical model, implemented in “Matlab” software, have been compared with the simulation results presented in literature and in particular the values of the “evaporative rate”, proposed in and by “Gas Turbines Department” of Ansaldo Energia S.p.A., have been taken into account to validate the model.
The simulator permits to investigate the effects of the fogging and Wet Compression techniques and estimate the power and efficiency gain of heavy duty gas turbines operating in hot and arid conditions.

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