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Performance analysis of the duplex Stirling refrigerator by maximum cooling load density


Autore: M.M. Ozturk, L.B. Erbay

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

In this study, the performance of the different constructions of the duplex Stirling refrigerator is investigated by the cooling load. The processes of the integrated system are studied by considering a generalized Schmidt and Finkelstein’s approximation. The analysis of the cooling load density (Qld) has been used to find out an optimum construction with respect to thermal and operational parameters. The cooling load density is defined in the literature as the cooling load per unit volume of the refrigerator. Duplex Sterling refrigerator is an integrated construction of a free piston Stirling engine and a free piston refrigerator.
As a result of the study, it is found that any duplex Stirling refrigerator has a cooling load density which increases with increasing compression ratio and increasing temperature ratio where as it has a maximum whose value depends on the constructional, thermal and operational parameters considered.

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