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Neo: a fuel cell powered commercial vehicle


Autore: S. De Sanctis, L. Grimolizzi, S. Ogliari

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

Air pollution caused by internal combustion engines conventional vehicle is a very important problem.
The initiatives generally proposed by the local authorities are oriented to limit the possibility to let the vehicles run in some restricted areas, or all over the town area in special periods when the concentration of pollutants in the air is overlapping the limits imposed by the European rules. This causes big problems especially for what concerns goods transport, as a matter of fact commercial vehicles are generally not allowed to enter city centres. Neo could help for all essential applications of commercial vehicles, such as post distribution, medicines and perishable goods delivery, and waste recovery.
Neo is a possible solution to all this problems, since it was designed on the basis of a conventional electric vehicle, powered by an electric engine fed by “Zebra” Batteries, but integrating a PEMFC and an Hydrogen storage as a range extender.
The Project was developed jointly by three companies, each bringing a specific know-how, Sapio designed and realised the Hydrogen storage and distribution system on the basis of the industrial experience acquired in technical gases field, Arcotronics Fuel Cell developed the power system, optimised for the specific automotive application, and Microvett dealt with the electric traction system and with the integration of the different sub-systems.

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