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Arezzo project: the first hydrogen based handcraft district


Autore: S. De Sanctis, S. Ogliari, L. Grimolizzi

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

In Arezzo is placed an handcraft district specialized in producing golden manufactured products, where operators are skilled in using hydrogen within the industrial process and the presence of this gas is widely accepted by the inhabitants, so the environment is propitious to carry out the exploi
tation of such a synergy.
The project called “Arezzo Project” has the aim to realise in the Arezzo gold district called “San Zeno” a Hydrogen based industrial system, installing a gaseous hydrogen production and storage centralised area, from which a trunk pipeline will derive to supply Hydrogen to the gold factories.
This pipeline will be buried in public soil connecting the storage/production area with the gold factories involved in the project. Hydrogen will feed both gold factories’ productive process and a CHP system specifically installed for the project.

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