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Hydrogen production by thermochemical sulfur-iodine cycle


Autore: V. Barbarossa, M. Diamanti

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

Hydrogen production by thermochemical cycles is a good way to obtain this value energy carrier without greenhouse gases emission. Thermochemical cycles, realizes the water splitting reaction as a result of a suitable series of sub-reactions.
One of the most studies cycle is the Sulphur-Iodine one that is composed by three reactions:H2SO4 and HI formation from SO2/I2/H2O, mixture and the thermal decompositions of those acids.
In this study we present our investigation on the catalytic thermal decomposition of sulphuric acid in the range 723 – 1373 K. We use Fe2O3 and Ag/Pd as catalytic materials obtaining a considerable decrease in the decomposition temperature. SO2 conversion yields close the thermodynamic values are measured for H2SO4 partial pressure of 0.15 bar.

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