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Hydrogen enrichment of natural gas: thermoeconomic production analysis and effects on internal combustion engine performance


Autore: B: Morrone, A. Unich, D. Rotondi, G. Fedele

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

The present study investigates both the thermodynamic and economical aspects of the hydrogen production to be used for gaseous mixtures in terrestrial vehicles, by considering the production via water electrolysis. The hydrogen is employed to obtain a fuel mixture with natural gas employed for internal combustion engines and energetic, economic and environmental aspects are taken into account.
Both energy and exergy analyses are carried out in the present investigation to evaluate the efficiency of the process. The cost analysis is carried out to evaluate the economic aspects of the project for localized small to medium quantity hydrogen production plants. These findings are essential to investors who need indication about the cost of production per kg of hydrogen, which should be sold in the natural gas-hydrogen mixture at an affordable market price. An investigation on the effects of CNG – H2 mixtures on internal combustion engines is carried out; in particular, the impact on vehicle range and CO2 emissions on a passenger car is evaluated.

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