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Application of the methodology of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) to the establishment energy efficiency standards: Brazilian refrigerators


Autore: Jr. Silva, H. Xavier, G. de Castilho,G. de Martino

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

The goal of this paper is to present the work in the developed by Silva Jr. who discusses the application of the methodologies of Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) as a tool to propose energy efficiency standards, complementally to the voluntary labels already existing in the one-door Brazilian refrigerators.
Another objective is to study the role of these instruments (energy efficiency labels and standards and environmental labels) as means to supply technical subsidies the establishment of maximum level of electric energy consumption and environmental quality impact for electrical equipments in Brazil. The LCCA methodology allows to evaluate the impacts of the energy efficiency increasing in electrical equipments, resulting in important saving for the country and its citizens. The results reached in this studies offer important data to subsidize deepered discussions with manufacturers and the government to stipulate minimum energy efficiency standards for the Brazilian refrigerators.

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