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Choices of energy supply in distillation processes


Autore: S. Svensson, B. Moshfegh

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

Distillation requires both heating and cooling at the same time in different ends. The fluid needs heating to vaporisation in the re-boiler and the fumes from the column needs cooling to re-liquidise in the condenser. Hence, there is a distillation-specific simultaneous heating and cooling need throughout the process. Distillation can be divided into unit processes; heating and cooling of process fluids, as described in. The study is performed in collaboration with AstraZeneca in Sodertalje, Sweden.
The purpose of the paper is to show a practical approach to analyse energy usage in distillation where interference with production is prohibited for any reason. This bring forth practical ideas for conservation of supplied energy in forms of heating and cooling which lead to increased energy efficiency in distillation systems.

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