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Renewable energy sources and their competitiveness with conventional sources


Autore: R. Scialdoni, L. De Simone, V. Gerardi, E. Mazzitelli, L. Cutaia

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

The growing importance of renewable energy in the European Community’s energy plan can be observed from the data emerging in the documents produced both at the Community and the national levels.
The paper published in March 2006, entitled “Green Paper: A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy”, in formulating its forecast for a 60% increase in the global demand for energy in 2030 (compared to the present levels) indicates three principal objectives: sustainable development, competitiveness, security of supply.
The importance of using energy from renewable sources is also evident in relation to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
It is well-known that the most industrialized countries have undersigned the Kyoto Protocol by accepting e reduction of their own emissions in the measure of 5,2% within 2008 and 2012 compared to the level of emission in 1990.
These considerations produce an incentive to promote the production of renewable energy. This has already been put into effect through the adoption at the EU level, and the implementation at national levels, of mechanisms such as Green Certificates that aim at recognizing additional value to electric energy produced by renewable sources.

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