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Energy conversion of wastes after source recovery throughintelligent transfert station (ITS) and centralized cogeneration (CHP) or locally bio-active units


Autore: L. Cassitto, C. Minetti

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

Municipal solid waste has doubled in the last 30 years due to a higher standard of living and the changed habits of citizens. Its disposal has to take into account not only the specific problems and ever stricter regulations but also an increasingly congested road network and increasingly crowded territory.
At the same time, an awareness has developed that waste can make useful contributions: in Europe a little over a third of municipal waste is recycled or recovered. The remaining two thirds, after separate waste collection, is made up of materials with a high energy content that can be used as a source of energy.
The main objectives of the approach taken to the problem today are:
· Recover what can still be utilised as secondary materials through separate waste collection
· Subject the residual fraction to dry/wet selection treatment
· Send the composting reject (light or dry) to combustion and the screened waste (organic or wet) to coarse composting (hygienisation)
· Reduce the residues to send to landfill to the minimum.

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