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Hydrogen production from coal:process modelling and optimization


Autore: F. Donatini, I. Fastelli, G. Gigliucci, J. Riccardi, M. Schiavetti

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

The purpose of this work is to characterize the hydrogen production capabilities of an existing 800 kWt ENEL's coal-fed pyrolyserplant and to study feasibility and performances in case it is scaled-up and integrated in a coal-fired power plant. In order to achieve these goals, a simulation model of the existing plant has been developed. The model results are presented pointing out the effects of the main operating conditions, such as pyrolysis temperature, residence time, particle size and coal properties, on hydrogen yields. Then the code has been used to analyse the potential integration of a demo-scale 50 MWt pyrolyser, coupled with reforming and gas-shift reactors, in a supercritical 660 MW ENEL's coal-fired plant. Results show that ydrogen energetic yield can reach 19%, while integration of the pyrolyser in the power plant allows the production of additional electricity for around 17% of the pyrolyser energetic input. In the near future an exhaustive experimental campaign will be carried out and the model will be upgraded on the basis of the theoretical and experimental results obtained.

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