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Electric Energy and Hydrogen production from low rank coal power plants with CO2 capture


Autore: L. Mancuso, R.M. Domenichini, J. Davison

Collana: BT - 34 - Mag 06 - Energy: production, distribution and conservation

The interest in coal as an energy resource has seen a remarkable growth during the last years. This resource has acknowledged advantages referring to important and strategic issues like: large reserves distributed worldwide and price fluctuation, which is independent from crude oil in a free competition market.
In this scenario, low rank coals represent an important resource for power generation and hydrogen production because almost half of the world's proven recoverable coal reserves are composed of lignite/brown coal and sub-bituminous coal. However, the capability of reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from low rank coal power plats has not been demonstrated yet.
This paper summarizes the results of a study carried out by Foster Wheeler for the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG). The primary purpose of this study is to investigate different plant technologies, to produce power and/or hydrogen, which are capable of utilizing low rank coal as the primary fuel and which can incorporate pre-combustion or post-combustion capture of CO2.

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